I am going to be brutally honest with you. Being a momma is hard. Really hard. Tiring. Exhausting. Emotional. But it's not just being a momma, it's this phase of life. New marriages, having children, finding a house, building a career and getting life on track. Friends, all the wiser/older awesome people in my life can attest that "This is a Season." Life in general is always tough and all brings its own challenges, but this one, is a rough one.
I want to share this because I want you to know that you are not alone.
New Momma. Don't focus on what you're not.
A lot of us are here. Instead of comparing and tearing each other down, lets build each other up in those awesome qualities God has given us. This has been a challenge for me. Since finding out I was pregnant, I had all of these ideals of how things should and would be. HA. From what kind of mom I would be, to how breastfeeding would go, to how much screen time I would allow Mia to watch.
Lets be honest, most of the time, we are in survival mode. You may have a tentative plan, but this little being has a mind of their own and at this age, there is not much reasoning going on. God has truly been teaching me what true patience looks like and how to "go with the flow," which I am awful at. He has also been revealing who I truly am and helping me to realize I don't have to be it "all." I believe society, pinterest, Facebook etc. make new momma's feel like they aren't doing enough. I have been SO hard on myself in this area. Should I make this sensory board or just let Mia tear apart the cabinets? Or is this creating a monster thinking she can tear everything apart? Or is she having an imagination and creating memories? These are just half of the thoughts that go through my mind in the 5 minutes my sweet daughter starts exploring something new. We all do it. We just want the best for our kiddos. But, it's ok if I feel like I don't have the energy or even the drive to make everything I see on pinterest. That's just not me. If that's you, that is awesome and I would love to have some of your creations. What I am trying to say is, we don't have to be it all. Find out where your talents and desires are, and go with it! We should be building each other up in the gifts that God has given us. An awesome book that I have been reading that has really brought all of this to light is "Hope for the Weary Mom." I highly recommend! It is so real and raw.
So in case you haven't heard it... "This is a season." It's hard and will just get easier. It's not an excuse. It's a phrase that has given me comfort knowing that I am not alone, that others have been here and felt this way too.
In the meantime, just rub yourself (&child) down with joy, stress away, lavender and peace&calming...and your are guarunteed some relief ;)
"For the body does not consist of one member but of many...if the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God has arranged the members of the body, each one of them, as he chose." 1 Corinthians 12:14, 17-18
This is what normal days look like for us.
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